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Hotel Essential by Dorint Köln-Junkersdorf
Hotel Essential by Dorint Köln-Junkersdorf
Hotel Essential by Dorint Köln-Junkersdorf
Hotel Essential by Dorint Köln-Junkersdorf
Hotel Essential by Dorint Köln-Junkersdorf
Hotel Essential by Dorint Köln-Junkersdorf

Museums in Cologne

It is a very difficult choice which museums to visit in Cologne, as there are so many museums. That's why we would like to introduce the most important museums in Cologne.

Roman Germanic Museum

From prehistory to the Middle Ages - jewellery, glasses, mosaics and interesting facts at this time - you will find all this in the Roman-Germanic Museum right at Cologne Cathedral.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday 10.00 - 17.00 o'clock and every first Thursday of the month 10.00 - 22.00 o'clock

Roncalliplatz 4, 50667 Köln,


According to the motto "Here your knowledge can experience something! the Odysseum is a museum, a research centre and an amusement park at the same time.

On 7,500 m² the museum is divided into 7 different areas - life, earth, cyberspace, people, children's city, gallery of the world and an outdoor adventure area. Acquire new knowledge about our planet at more than 200 interactive experience stations. Because you know you never stop learning.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Friday 09.00 - 18.00 o'clock
Saturday, Sunday and on holidays and during school holidays 10.00 - 19.00 o'clock

Corintostraße 1, 51103 Köln (Kalk),

Museum Ludwig

The Museum Ludwig was created as a new building for works of art from the 20th century onwards, which is located near Cologne Cathedral.

It was rebuilt because the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum became too small for all the art.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday & on holidays 10.00 to 18.00 o'clock and every first Thursday of the month 10.00 to 22.00 o'clock, closed on Mondays

Heinrich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Köln,


Are you looking for older works of art? Then the Wallraf Museum is the right place for you. Here you will find mainly paintings dating back to the 20th century from 700 years of European art history.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday/public holiday from 10.00 to 18.00 o'clock, as well as every first and third Thursday until 22.00 o'clock.
The museum is closed on carnival, 11. November and Christmas Eve & New Years Day

Obenmarspforten 40, 50667 Köln,

Chocolate Museum

The Imhoff-Stollwerck Museum - Cologne's Chocolate Museum - is the perfect place for sweet little mouths. Learn how chocolate is made and at the end you will be amazed again.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday 10.00 - 18.00 o'clock
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 11.00 - 19.00 o'clock
Closed on Mondays from 2 January to the beginning of the Easter holidays in NRW and in November.

Am Schokoladenmuseum 1a, 50678 Köln,

NS-Documentation Center

The centre was founded at the end of the 1980s and has since then been dedicated to commemorating, researching and communicating the events of the Nazi era in Cologne. It is Germany's largest memorial to this time.

Opening hours

Tuesday - Friday from 10.00 to 18.00 o'clock
Saturday, Sunday and on public holidays from 11.00 - 18.00 o' clock
Every 1st day Thursday of the month until 22.00 o' clock

Appellhofpl. 23-25, 50667 Köln,

Cologne City Museum

Would you like to learn more about the history of Cologne? Then you should visit the Cologne City Museum. The exhibition ranges from the Middle Ages to the present day.

Opening hours

Tuesday 10.00 - 20.00 o'clock
Wednesday to Sunday 10.00 - 17.00 o'clock
Public holidays 10.00 - 17.00 o'clock
Closed on Mondays

Zeughausstr. 1-3, 50667 Köln,

Carnival Museum

The Cologne Carnival - learn all about its origins and its history in the Carnival Museum of the city.

Opening hours

The museum is open from 10.00 to 16.00 o'clock on the following days: 09.09.2017,16.09.2017,30.09.2017 (09.00 - 13.00 o'clock), 03.10.2017

Maarweg 134-136, 50825 Köln,

In Cologne there is also the Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum. Find out more here.